Friday, November 22, 2013

I am selling my entire kanzashi collection to benefit the environment...

As some of you know, over the years I put together a collection of antique Japanese hair ornaments. I was touched by their exquisite craftsmanship, the refined aesthetic and their poetic quality. After a lot of personal reflection it has become apparent to me that it is now time to sell these beautiful objects and give the proceeds in the defending and protection of nature. The kanzashi will be slowly listed on ebay and all proceeds will benefit the tortoises and elephants that gave up their lives for these pieces. The rest of the proceeds will go to ending the ongoing, absolutely heart wrenching slaughter of dolphins which occurs in Taiji, Japan every year (on a daily basis for months on end). That  little village has slaughtered one million dolphins to date, and all the damage is done by a group of 40 or so men. It is time for this practice to end since they also kill endangered dolphins species as well.  For those of you who wish to learn about the plight of the dolphins in Japan please take a look at the award winning movie "The Cove".  I am happy to become an active voice and assist in the ending of this barbaric practice.

My collection

Trailer for the cove

Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project

Friday, November 1, 2013

My new wine label design for the Diana Basehart Foundation

The Diana Basehart Foundation has been helping low income dog/cat owners pay for their pets medical expenses which as we all know, are quite high these days. It was founded by the lovely Diana Basehart, who also founded Actors and Others for Animals in Los Angeles.  Diana (who was married to actor Richard Basehart), is an animal activist, has saved the lives of many thousands animals over the course of her life and continues helping them through her foundation in Santa Barbara. I recently did a portrait of her Yorkie Nell (a rescue dog) which will be used on the wine from Dog Hill Winery in Santa Ynez. The wine will be available in November with all proceeds going to the care of sick animals in the county. More information on what the foundation does can be seen at

Diana Basehart is shown below her beloved Nell and with board member Tipper Gore.